Message from the Department
Welcome to the Fire Department of Liberty Township's website. Our personnel encourage you to explore the site and take advantage of our community outreach and risk reduction programs. We want the community to see how our personnel have worked to advance our mission to provide the highest-level public safety.
Our mission is making Liberty Township one of the safest communities in the State of Indiana. We continually strive for improvement with the Insurance Services Organization (ISO). Improvement with ISO provides assurances to Liberty residents and businesses that the fire department meets the highest national benchmarks and may potentially reduce hazard insurance costs.
We provide our personnel with quality fire and medical training, as well as state of the art equipment to exceed the expectations of the citizens and visitors we serve each day. Our community outreach offers CPR and AED training, first aid, home safety education program, smoke detector program, and soon Child Passenger Safety Seat Program.
We continue to face many challenges. We will improve our department by achieving Fire Service Accreditation and continue to strengthen and reinforce our community relationships through our many outreach programs. We will work to enhance fire & rescue safety, reduce & prevent firefighter injuries and address issues of cancer and PTSD in the firefighter workplace. To ensure our community is trained and knowledgeable, we will work to establish and maintain a Community Emergency Response Team made up of volunteers.
We view our personnel as the most valued asset, a team of public safety professionals that strive to continuously improve our organization and rise to the challenges placed before them. We will always continue to work hard and deal with each patient and each incident the way we would take care of our own. This compassion, empathy and dedication along with our collective efforts to achieve the vision of our department will establish us as a leader in public safety.