- Year: 2011
- Make / Model: E-One Typhoon Pumper (#136580) – 1500gpm/1000gal
EG105 is first-due for most incidents from StationĀ 105 located at 111 E. Kentucky Street in Clayton, IN which serves as FDLT headquarters. This well-equipped Rescue Engine includes a set of Hurst extrication tools located in a compartment in the bumper.
- Year: 2022
- Make / Model: Ford F450
MD105 is our primary paramedic transporting ambulance. This unit runs out of our Clayton station.
- Year: 2009
- Make / Model: Freightliner M2-106/E-One/2017 Missouri Fire Apparatus - 500gpm/3000gal

This apparatus was acquired by the department in 2017. Tanker 106 is the first-due tanker in Liberty Township, but can also serve as a frontline attack rig if the engine is out of service.
- Year: 2000
- Make / Model: Ford Explorer

This truck is primarily used as a station support vehicle. It is certified ALS and can be used as a medic quick-response vehicle by C1053.
- Year: 2011
- Make / Model: Chevy Tahoe

This truck serves as the Fire Chief's take-home vehicle.